Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Park is OPEN get in there!

We shut down the park for weather reasons during that crazy holiday storm, but Cliff Halliday and his Union crew went in there and cleaned up all the fallen branches adn opened the gates yesterday.

Please go and enjoy the park the track will exhaust you, sadly I am a one lap guy at the moment!

We will have scored a great deal of help since opening the park and now we have a website coming with the generous and talented help of Colette and her firm BR Thompson Co.

So get in the park and ride it, get stoked and look over the snow fence at how much property we have been given to expand, if you look at the market value of property these days we are sitting a half million dollar parcel.

North Saanich is being very generous by not only letting us build there but helping us develop /maintain the park so everyone start thinking about what we can make this park into. We have designs for the open areas but I want feedback for the treed areas and future pump track expansions.

A year ago hand clearing the pump track section...

But thank god Gordy Martman has machines we can use for the open areas because wheel barrels suck!

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