Thursday, June 10, 2010

Park Closure! June 9 onwards until complete.

It has been so long since we did an update and to be honest I just figured out the codes to get back in thanks to LiveWriter program saving it all.

Park is closed folks… but not for long!

intermediate park day 020

We are inside the park as we speak cleaning up and designing/building the technical advanced sections. While we are in there it is very important to stay out until we are done. We are prepping the material for Soil Tac a very expensive procedure so please hold your enthusiasm until we re open.

If you do jump the fence the park resident Buck will be waiting for you and he is highly trained.deer in park 208

deer in park 274

The Rotary Club had a successful Monte Carlo casino night and did a bang up job of raising money for the park. HUUUGE thanks for the influx of help even though we are a bit lacking on the blogging of all the updates.


Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome guys. What's the word on volunteering? Lots of local guys riding the park have been wondering if they can lend a hand and a shovel to get it done faster. Somebody told me part of the soil tak process is clearing the park of rocks- Are you going to need people for that? Cheers.

Anonymous said...
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