Monday, June 1, 2009

Intermediate Section 80% complete!

Intermediate phase is coming along great!  We all have farmer tans and dust in our teeth but it is better than doing this in the winter with no machines!

Again this is just a teaser to wet the whistle! When the full intermediate line is done I will do a video walk through and make sense of it all.

Below is a shot from early last week when we roughed out the track, it has been dialed in and refined since then and we are pretty stoked to show it off soon!

park phase4 005

The tracked skidder that Scansa donated is a gift from the gods. Without the proper tools it would be near impossible to shape the course as fast and accurate as we have and the weather is perfect.


So big thanks to Scansa for stepping in and donating 50 plus truckloads of material and their Bobcat to help shape the jumps!

intermediate park day 037 

bike park phase 2 015 deer in park 188


I do not know if anyone has hired a Bobcat these days let alone ordered 50 Dumptruck loads of material to their house but it is not as cheap as one would think! Truck after truck kept rolling in filling our field with material!  Donations like this are what makes it all worth while after years of struggling by to open this park.

intermediate park day 025

Using the new material and bobcat Kyle Michell has made quick progress shaping everything with his bucket getting creative making this section fun for even the pros!

The end of the intermediate is going to be a huge hit- popularity wise- ending in two pyramid options that hip into a large bowl. A rider needs options for his/her skill level and we wanted the park to not be intimidating so we have made the Intermediate fun and ride able by a pro biker but safe enough to roll over in a test run.

intermediate park day 028 

  The left side of the 3-line intermediate section can be rolled over safely with no skill level needed to jump a bicycle. As you get used to the feeling and flow of the table top you can try out the center jump where you can try catching a bit of air and so on until you wish to try  the outside line that has table tops with small gaps in between the landing and the jumps lip. If you do not make it there is just a small gap and you will safely land on the jumps back side.


This section will be separated from the advanced intermediate section by a 12 ft road as is the children's area from the intermediate as seen in the very first picture.  So it is going to a pretty cool park you just have to trust us and when the intermediate sections are complete we will move to the advanced pro section and we will do some test runs to show you the flow.

intermediate park day 039Mark Mathews keeping the jumps nice and wet in one of first scorching days of the summer!


So keep your eyes peeled for more updates!

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