Monday, July 14, 2008

Pumptrack test run!

We finally received some quality material and immediately went to work forming/fixing the pump track. Kyles' skills with the Bobcat along with the ease of raking the soft material, has enabled us to be close to opening phase one! Kyle gently forming the track with his bucket! This is when you sadly realize that you are not in as good of shape as you thought, you can hear me huffing as I video taped.

It's taken awhile, but we finally scored some proper material and had it trucked in by Gordy Martman Excavating. Previously, we had to mix 60/40 sand and clay and it sucked! Either it snowed, rained or we always ran out of material. But the new material is so easy to manipulate.

Kyle Michell, Cliff Haliday and myself hammered out the track in 7 hours! We had Cliff on the Wheel Loader, dropping material in key spots and Kyle working his magic with the bobcat, supplied by Jim Dunlop.

Kyle getting the Bobcat ready to show off why we call him the Rockstar!

Look at that material... so nice to rake instead of clay chunks!

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